Wednesday, February 09, 2011


It's that time again.

Spring parent/teacher conferences start today. So, here I am wondering what I will find out about my son this time.

Kristopher is a good kid, so I know I don't have to worry too much. However, I know my kid. I know that he loves to be the goofy kid. He loves to use sarcasm. He loves to make up stories. He doesn't like the school work. Generally, he would rather stay home and play (at his age, who wouldn't?).

Have you heard the latest thing Kris came up with? He told his teacher that he was allergic to peanut butter. PEANUT BUTTER! You see, his class was talking about Kansas history. As part of the lesson, they made simple toys that they may have had back in the late 1800's. As an added treat, his teacher decided to make a simple candy that they could have as a snack. It was made with peanut butter. So, Kris decided it would be interesting to say that he was allergic. His teacher, not wanting to expose a peanut allergy to peanut butter, decided she should confirm with me. He is not allergic to peanut butter. In fact, his favorite sandwich is PB&J. When I asked Kris why he said he was allergic to pb, he told me, "I don't know. I just didn't want any peanut butter."

You see...these are the kinds of things that I worry about with Kris. I have to admit, I was somewhat amused (you have to admit it was kind of funny) and still, obviously disappointed. Note: Don't worry. We had the whole talk about being dishonest. I even made him apologize to his teacher.

So, maybe you can understand why I feel this way about conferences. I don't really worry. It's more trying to anticipate so that I can explain.

And, I have a feeling it won't get any easier as he gets older. Ugh!