Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Heal Me!

This week, I've scheduled two doctor's appointments. Today, my rheumatologist, and tomorrow, reproductive specialist. And now, I find myself in an interesting position.

You see, I have been diagnosed as having a form of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis. Basically, that is just a fancy name for chronic inflammation in the back and other joints. I've been fairly lucky...only having one flair up in the last two years. However, this one is a whopper! My right ankle has been swollen now for about 2 months. At first, I treated it at home with ibuprofen. The next step was a steroid injection into my ankle. Then, prescription medication. And now, a new medicine. Just about any other time of my life, I would just say, "Okay," and take it on the chin. Right now, though, it's a bit complicated.

My hubby and I are still wanting a baby, and plan on pursuing it fully. We have been blessed with a wonderful son, but miscarried our second pregnancy this past May. I'm only 30 (nearly 31), so we is the time. But now, of all times, my arthritis comes roaring in, threatening to delay things again. Since we are wanting a baby, it limits the medications I can use. However, if I don't treat the inflammation, it can cause permanent damage. :o(

So...I am waiting until tomorrow. We will see our specialist, find out what we need to do to prepare/try for another pregnancy, and ask LOTS of questions. I am praying that all goes well, and we can proceed as planned. The new medication can be taken, but my rheumatologist said it will be stopped if I get pregnant, just to be safe.

I just really need healing right now! As silly as an ankle sounds, I need healing. I want the swelling to go away. I want the pain to subside. I want to be pregnant. I want my body to work!!!!!

Please pray for me. Pray for God's healing touch. I need it now, in so many ways.

1 comment:

pastorsb said...

I'm praying!!!