Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Trying to figure things out...

...not succeeding.

That's where I am today.

We are still on the road to conceiving a child. Unfortunately, it didn't happen this month. You would think I would be getting used to this by now, but I'm not. Each month seems be an eternity!!! I have to remind myself that my miscarriage was in May. That is just 3 months ago. Still, it's been the longest 3 months of my life.

I am trying to be patient. I really am.

It seems that everyone around me is having babies! No matter where I go...I see pregnant women and new babies, and every time, I feel a pang. In my gut, and in my heart. I can't help but think...if I hadn't miscarried, I would be nearing 7 months. It still hurts. we go again. Starting over with a new cycle, and new month. Praying for a baby. Praying for strength. Praying for patience.

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