Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just a random little rant... I know that I haven't been great about keeping fresh new things posted on here. Sorry about that. But I have one for today.

While watching GMA this morning, I caught the tail end of a story talking about a guy who is blaming Jerry Seinfield and his show, "The Marriage Ref," for his divorce.

Really? I mean, come on...REALLY?!?!?!

Well, I just had to look it up and get the full story. So here's the quick version.

He and his wife were on the first show, and the argument was that he wouldn't wear his wedding ring when he went out with the guys. I remember seeing that episode, and, to be honest, I thought they were both ridiculous. Anyway...

According to this guy, the show actually took the "argument" and blew it up into something way bigger than it was. Apparently, he only took his ring off when he played basketball with the guys. Not when he was going out for a guys night out. Whatever.

He also claims that the producers of the show kept making comments about how good his wife looked, and that she was so pretty, that they thought she had beautiful lips, etc. Somehow, THIS is what caused his divorce. After the show was taped, the wife decided that she wanted to pose for Playboy, and it was said that they almost didn't air the show because of some provocative photos that she posted online.

Yeah...Seinfield made her do all of that.


Please, people! Take responsibility!!!

We all know that reality tv rarely shows true REALITY, so it's really no shock that the producers wanted to rev up the story to make it sound a little juicier. But to blame it for the ruin of your marriage is a bit of a stretch.

The spotlight of tv and the quest for celebrity will add stress. Financial problems will add stress. Life will add stress. But this show wasn't the CAUSE. The show simply added stress that made the cracks that were already present more visable.

I am by no means an expert on marriage. After all, I have only been married for 10 years, and the two of us are still learning as we go. But the one thing that I have figured out is that marriage takes work. It's not always going to feel like you're on your honeymoon.

We're human.
We're different.
We're flawed.

But when you take the time to put effort into your marriage, you can keep things moving in the right direction. How can you tell that everything is going to work out? How can you know that you will be together forever? I don't know.

All I know is that I ask God for guidance daily.

I pray for His continued blessing on our marriage.
I pray that He will help us learn to build each other up instead of tear each other down.
I pray that He will show us how to love each other, even when we aren't feeling like it.
I pray for wisdom. In raising our son. In choosing our battles. In making choices for our family.
I pray that he will mold me into the wife He wants me to be.
I pray for my husband, and that he is becoming the man God wants him to be.
I pray for other marriages. That they will be strengthened.

I am only human, and I am not now, nor do I think I ever will be, and expert on marriage. But I know that my marriage is important to me, and I will do everything within my power to make it last.

I hope that you feel the same way about your relationships.

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