Monday, December 01, 2008

What has this world come to???

If you are anything like me, you avoid stepping foot in any major stores on Black Friday. I have several friends who are all about getting the bargains on that insane day, but not me. I can't do it. I just can't. Believe me, I have tried, but it just isn't a pretty picture.

First off, I am not, in any way, shape, or form, a morning person. Those who know me best, know that I tend to be a bit short and grumpy in the morning. I don't know's just not in my DNA to be a chipper morning person. I don't drink coffee either, so that isn't going to help. I just don't do mornings.

Second, I hate...HATE...big crowds. I don't like the feeling of having no control of where I am going, and if you have ever been in a hugh crowd, you know what I am talking about. Once you are in the middle of a crowd, you are going which ever way the crowd wants to go. No questions asked. If you aren't one to move with the flow, you will be bruised and battered, if not trampled. Take the poor Wal-Mart worker for example. He was just an innocent bystander as the doors were forced open, and he was trampled, later dying from his injuries. Seriously!!! The crowd killed him. KILLED him!

What has the world come to? Are the bargains THAT good? So good that we push, shove, trample, and kill to get them? Wow! Mob mentality is flat out scarey! Which is why you will not find my in the middle of and Black Friday crowd any time soon. For those of you who love it, well, God Speed. You are braver...or crazier than I.

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