Monday, July 09, 2012

Choices, choices...Continuing our journey of fertility treatments. (WARNING: May be TMI for some of you)

Wow!  Things are just not going as I had planned.  But isn't that usually the case?

Many of you know our story.  The whole journey of trying to conceive, miscarriage, more ttc, taking a break...nothing going according to our plans.  Well, times haven't changed much as we are heading into yet another season of life with more choices to be made.. 

I ended up having a medical condition that required me to take some medication.  This treatment was not safe for pregnancy, so I was put on birth control as a precaution, and taken off of my other meds.  I was hoping that this would be a good thing.  I mean, after all, birth control pills are supposed to help even things out, right?  Ummm...not always.  Of course, I am one of the few for whom the pills have done NOTHING to help regulate.  Four months now, and still no sign of "normal."

Well, the good news is, I am done with this other treatment, and we can officially start trying again.  The bad news is, we have no idea where to start. 

A week from today, I will be heading back to the RE to see which road we are going to take.  Here are the two options that we are looking at right now: 1) Have the RE change my birth control and focus on getting a regular cycle, or 2) Begin fertility treatments again. 

Both options have their positive attributes.  If we choose to focus on my cycle, maybe I will be able to better plan, figure out when I am ovulating, and possibly get pregnant.  After all, I was on bc pills before, and when I finally stopped them, I got pregnant with Kristopher.  Then again, it's messing with hormones, and there is never a guarantee. 

On the other hand, we could choose to start fertility treatments again.  The biggest plus on this option is that the cost has dropped a little.  Before, when I was on Femara, we were paying about $350 every month just for 5 days worth of pills.  Now, the drug has been released in a generic form, and it is significantly lower cost.  The down side?  Well, as always, there is no guarantee.  I could get pregnant.  I could miscarry.  I could just NOT get pregnant.  Plus, there is still the cost associated with all of the monitoring, trigger shots, etc. 

That is where we are right now.  The decision isn't an easy one, and I am not really sure which way we should go.  But I have to make a decision...and soon.  I go back to my RE a week from today.  I have to know what we want going in.  Otherwise, there are added costs.  Monetary costs...a higher co-pay just to TALK to the doctor.  Yippee!

Please pray for us as we are making these decisions.  We are asking God for wisdom, guidance, and peace.  We want to make the right decision, but right now, we have no idea what that is.

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