Friday, August 04, 2006


So I am sitting here at the computer and trying to think of some sort of interesting or inspiring story to tell the world. OK...that's not going to happen today! There hasn't been a lot happening lately, and the things that have happened aren't that interesting or inspiring. That's not to say that life has been boring, though. I have had plenty of things to keep me busy.

One thing that has happened was another birthday. We didn't do much, but it was a good day. I was able to spend it with family, and I got to pick where we were going to eat. Such simple pleasures! :o)

It's kind of funny when you think about it. When we were kids, it was always a big deal...a birthday meant a party, presents, and a ton of fun. As we get older, though, those ideas kind of fade, and reality sets in. We are another year older. What do we have to show for it?

This kind of thought was only strengthened recently when I was preparing for my 10 year high school reunion. They sent out a questionare about our lives, asking what kind of things we had accomplished since high school and what we are doing now. To be honest, at first I was kind of bummed. My life isn't one of a rock star, or a high powered executive. I am just a stay-at-home mom. But then, when I started writing down all of the things that I have been involved in, and realizing how important staying home with my son is, my attitude changed.

Even though I haven't "made it" by society's definition, my life is a pretty good success story. I am happily married, have a wonderful son, completed my college degree, am involved in my church, still love my family, and I am happy! Isn't that what life in America is supposed to be about? It's one of our unalienable rights..."the pursuit of happiness."

I guess what I am getting at is this...No matter what other may say about what I have or have not accomplished, it doesn't matter! I have accomplished happiness. That is the one thing that you can't buy with a six figure salary, or world wide fame. In fact, I think happiness can be hindered by those things.

So, if you are out there, especially you moms, wondering what you have really accomplished, STOP! You are accomplishing a GREAT thing by raising your children. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't accomplishing someting!

Well...look at that...maybe something inspiring did come out of my mind!

Live! Laugh! Love!

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