Monday, December 13, 2010

He did it!!!!!

This weekend was the Christmas musical at church. Every year, this is one of my favorite Sundays! I just love watching all of the kids up on stage. They are all different, and oh so entertaining.

First, there's the ham. You know, the one who is REALLY putting on a show for everyone. Then there's the shy one. They are up on stage, but only because they have been threatened. Next, you have the kid with no rhythm. I particularly love this kid. It never fails. When they are swaying to the music, this is the kid who is going in the opposite direction, and working had to keep the clapping on beat (to no avail). There's also plenty of the other kids who are just kind of...average. You know. The ones who are just kind of indifferent. They kind of like the songs, but really don't care about being on stage

Each of the kids help to make the production memorable, and I love each of them!

Kris has always been the shy one. He dreaded getting on stage, and we even had to make a deal with his cousins to help us out. If they would go, so would Kris. Well, then. You can imagine my surprise when I found out that Kris had actually tried out for a solo. A SOLO!!!!

I knew about this from fairly early on, and all I could do was pray that he would actually do it. I couldn't help it. I just knew that he would practice and practice, only to get up on front of everyone...and then freak out or freeze.

I was wrong!

Granted, it was just a small, two-line solo. But he did it! And he did a great job!!!

Many of you probably think that I am just being the typical mom here, bragging about my baby. But you have to understand. THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!!

Up until now, Kristopher wouldn't do anything like this. He was just too shy. Anytime we are in public, he has always just kind of stood back and observed. I usually have to push or pry in order to get much out of him.

But this was ALL him.

I am so happy to see him coming out of his shell! And, yes, proud of him for doing such a good job. He knew his cue. He stepped up the the microphone. And he sang his lines clearly and on key! Yeah!!!!!!

Good job, "Munch!" I'm so proud of you!!!!!

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